Sunday, April 5, 2009

Snow coming today...

So here we are in the first week of April and we've got yet another round of snow coming. Possibly 3 inches. In preparation I spread 8 bags of much today around all the various beds outside to help protect the emerging perennials. There are a lot of things coming back to life out in the yard!

I'm thrilled to see that the bleeding hearts along the garage came back (they're in a very shady, wet spot all winter and I feared they would die from root rot this winter). The Monkshood has emerged, lilies have reared their heads, mums are getting their first leaves, the oregano and thyme are coming back to life. The pinks are looking really healthy as well as the Shasta daisies.

I'm rooting a new bunch of curly willow. Not quite sure where I might plant them...either in the cedar planters or down in the wet area of the garden.

This week I also seeded up some Black Beauty eggplant, Borage and George's Favorite Blend Broccoli. 1/2 of the snake gourds have sprouted...and man, are they huge! The hyacinth beans are already on their 3rd set of true leaves.

I picked up some anemone and crocosmia bulbs at Pesche's...though they are not quite ready to be planted out. Perhaps in 2 weeks. I was kinda surprised at what little selection of bulbs they have there. I think I got spoiled with the selection of seeds and bulbs at Gethsemane Garden Center in Chicago.

I have to do a client delivery up north (Grayslake area) this week so I plan on stopping in at a few garden centers/nurseries up there to see what they have. I want to pick up some false indigo this year. I saw it in bloom at the Chicago Flower and Garden show and just love it.

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