Thursday, July 31, 2008 it hot this week! It's in the 90's and hasn't rained in over a week. I just heard some thunder, so perhaps we will get a little rain today. The lawn looks horrible. I think grubs got a hold of the back right corner of the yard, because the grass there looks really stressed out.

I keep seeing Japanese Beatles all over the front and back yard...and have even noticed some skeletal leaves on one of the ornamental trees in the back yard.

Our backyard neighbors have had contractors in their yard all week installing a brick paver patio. A week from now we will have contractors in our yard installing a 5 foot privacy cedar fence along the back border of our yard and a 4 foot picket cedar fence along the sides.

I still have to clear away some lawn in front of the back edge of the yard so that I can prepare a new bed for perennial plantings once the fence is installed.

I also stopped at Home Depot today to check out what's on sale and came home with 3 limelight hydrangea bushes. I couldn't resist...they were only $35 each and about 3 feet tall. I think I'm going to plant them in front of the living room picture window so that we have something nice to look at in the summer and to lighten up the front of our dark brown house.

I also came home some yarrow, tickseed and varigated grass.

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