Sunday, June 3, 2007

Spent the Day Ripping up the Rooftop Deck

Well, the roofers are coming tomorrow to start work on our complex. We are supposed to remove our deck and everything on the rooftop at least 48 hours before they are scheduled to begin working on our unit. They're scheduled to begin on Thursday the 7th, so we have to be cleared off by Tuesday the 5th.

We spent the entire day up on the rooftop pulling up the 300+ square feet of deck, powerwashing it, cleaning off the membrane, taking planters down to the kitchen deck and then moving the deck we're keeping into our 4th floor penthouse and cutting up the part of the deck we're throwing away.

PHOTO: cutting up the old 10'x10' section of deck into 5' sections for the garbage.

It was a PAIN! We started around 9:30 this morning and finished with the deck around 5:30 pm just as a torrential rain started to pour.

At 10 am we had a showing of our place which I had to do myself since our realtor never heard back from the buyer's realtor so she assumed they weren't confirmed. Well, they showed up at 10, so we got them to give us 20 minutes to get the place ready for a showing.

PHOTO: lifting up, cutting and cleaning the sections of the deck we're keeping

I hate the home selling process. It's so nerve wrecking! And now with this roof construction it really throws a wrench in our selling plans.

We don't want to do any showings until the construction on our section of the roof is done and we can re-lay the deck. Right now we have about 200 square feet of cedar decking inside our 4th floor penthouse along with 2 Adirondack chairs.

We wound up having to take all our furniture from the penthouse and repositioning it to other rooms throughout the house so we could make room for all the decking. So now the rest of the house looks more cramped because of the extra furniture here and there.

PHOTO:powerwashing the deck before storing it in our 4th floor penthouse

We also had to bring 3 cedar planters with 4 curly willows and 1 dogwood down from the roof to the kitchen deck. Our kitchen deck is crazy busy with plants right now.

The willow was an absolute pain to try to dig up (we had to dig the trees and bush out of the planters so that we could carry them down - too heavy if left in planters). I think it took me a good hour to just to dig the willows out of the 2 planters.

So now we're exhausted and sunburned and ready for some carry-out from Penny's Noodle Shop in Wicker Park!

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