Here is the front yard island - or the "Island of Rocks" as we called it. The rocks (thank God) are no longer there!

Since the entry of the house is on the NE side of the house it perpetually in the shade. Nothing pops in the shade.
Before the Fall of '07 we had all the manicured evergreens on the left side of the entry removed and 2 truckloads of rock hauled away to make room for more lively plantings and mulch.
I'm going to call to the landscapers that hauled the rock away last year to find out how much 3 or 4 cubic yards of much and a partial truckload of topsoil will cost. Hopefully they can deliver it in the next week or so because I'd really like to start planting up the island and corner of the entry and covering it all with mulch. The soil is absolutly horrible! It's about 2 inches of soil and then you hit clay and rock. So I'm adding sand and peatmoss in with the soil to help with the drainage.
We also need to complete the retaining walls around the sidewalk to the door. before the soil comes.
Slowly the front yard is evolving into something much more NATURAL looking and is starting to feel "ours" rather than "theirs".